Filing Industrial Design Applications: Deferred Publication, Priority, and Exhibition Rights

When applying for industrial design registration through the WIPOFile System, applicants have the option to request deferred public publication, priority rights, or exhibition priority rights. Each of these options requires the inclusion of specific details and supporting documentation in the application.

For deferred public publication, the applicant must submit a request to delay the release of their design to the public. This request should include accurate details about the design, along with an explanation of why the postponement is necessary. All required information must be thoroughly filled out, and the application must be signed and submitted to the relevant authority. By deferring public publication, applicants can protect sensitive design details while still securing registration.

If priority rights are being claimed, the applicant must provide documentation that supports their claim, such as a certified copy of a previous application. This allows the applicant to assert a filing date from an earlier application, which can be especially important in cases where similar designs might be competing for registration. Along with the necessary details, the applicant must indicate whether the previous filing date falls within the allowable timeframe.

Exhibition priority rights can be claimed if the design has been previously showcased at a recognized trade exhibition. The applicant must include proof that the design was publicly displayed at the event and provide relevant details, such as the exhibition’s name, location, and dates. If the applicant is not the original exhibitor, additional documentation must be provided to prove that the priority rights have been transferred.

In all cases, the applicant must provide their full name, address, and contact information, and the application must be signed before submission to the Intellectual Property Office under the Ministry of Commerce. All supporting documents must be attached to ensure proper processing and handling of the request in accordance with legal requirements.

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